Gilmore girls quiz: who am I?

this quiz is from the popular TV series Gilmore Girls. nobody in gilmore girls is bad BUT be careful because sometimes you may not come out as who you want to be!

This cool quiz is enticing and fun for adults and children...who will you be? Lorelai, Paris, Rory? find out in this quiz which is... just a quiz after all.

Created by: Nessgadola
  1. how would you describe yourself?
  2. do you have a big imagination?
  3. Do you boss other people around?
  4. where would you live if you had the choice?
  5. have you had any adventures?
  6. favourite animal
  7. if you could have anything in the world what would it be?
  8. favourite family member
  9. how would you rate the questions so far?
  10. would you like to stop the quiz now? or carry on until the end? i suggest the latter.

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