Fun facts about France.

This is just a little quiz that I threw together called "Fun fact about France." I enjoyed making it and I hoped that you had fun taking it. Please remember too rate this quiz ten (10) stars and comment in the comments below, thank you!

This is just a little quiz that I threw together called "Fun fact about France." I enjoyed making it and I hoped that you had fun taking it. Please remember too rate this quiz ten (10) stars and comment in the comments below, thank you!M

Created by: 070085915
  1. How many sectors is France divided in?
  2. How many colours are in the French flag.
  3. The original flag of France was white.
  4. The French and the English loved each other.
  5. Paris is the capital of France.
  6. French toast was invented in France.
  7. Doing the stereotypical French-mime was invented in France.
  8. There is a city in France called "p---- ".
  9. Excluding Russia, France is the second biggest country in Europe.
  10. Napoleon wasn't short, he was actually above the average man-height at the time.

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