Angel Duo roleplay
Thread Topic: Angel Duo roleplay
( yeah sure )
Tommy came back out of his room a while later, yawning and rubbing his face with his hands.
*Techno is awake on the couch*
Tommy walked into the living room area, seeing Techno on the couch. He quietly moved over to sit in one of the empty chairs, crossing his legs in his seat.
Techno glances over. "Mornin'."
"Mornin'," Tommy repeated quietly, glancing over at Techno.
Techno doesn't really say anything, is more or less just picking up around the house while Phil sleeps.
Tommy rested his hands in his lap, fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater.
Techno looks at Tommy.
"So. How'd you sleep?" -
"I slept okay," Tommy replied quietly, shrugging a little.
Techno nods, getting ready to go outside for a walk or something.
"Alright. You can wake Phil." -
Tommy nodded, watching Techno walk off before looking back at the fireplace. He figured he'd wake Phil up a little later, he needed a few minutes alone anyways.
Techno walks around outside, seeing around to check for any sign of unwelcome visitors overnight.
Tommy stayed on the couch for a little longer before standing, going over to Phil's part of the house to see if he's awake.
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