back at it again >:)
Thread Topic: back at it again >:)
“Pfft- that’s true,” Karl said with a nod, giggling softly.
Nick chucked, pulling into his driveway. “Alright, I’ll grab your crutches-“
Karl nodded, running a hand through his hair before unbuckling.
Nick walked around, grabbing the crutches and opening Karl’s door for him. “Here you go-“
“Thanks,” Karl said with a small smile, grabbing the crutches and climbing out of the car. He steadied himself for a moment, humming softly before shutting the door.
Nick smiled softly, starting towards the door and holding it open for Karl. His house was a little messy, but not as bad as you would think.
Karl followed Nick inside, looking around. “Looks like you’ve settled in well~” He teased, giggling softly.
“Yeah, honestly,” Nick said with a chuckle. “Like I said- I have a lot of free time.”
Karl nodded, humming. “Well uh, when I get better, you can always hang out with- with me and my friends,” he spoke quietly, watching Nick for a moment before looking away. “I- I mean, only if you want to-“
“The ones who cussed me out at the party?” Nick said, scrunching his nose distastefully. “I’d rather not-“
“They’re not bad, I promise- They’re just protective of me, especially Alex,” Karl said, chuckling softly. “We’ve been best friends since our freshman year of high school, he was the first person I told about my- my anorexia,” he spoke quietly, looking down. “They’re really nice, other than that-“
“Hm,” Nick said softly, starting to walk down a hallway. “Maybe. C’mere! I’ll show you your new room-“
Karl nodded, following Nick down the hall and into the room.
Nick opened the door for him, propping it open with a box. “It’s not much, but you can bring some of your stuff over here if you want.”
“Thanks,” Karl said with a small smile, walking over to the bed. He sat down on it and set his crutches beside him, humming softly.
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