~ summer camp - full of secrets ~
Thread Topic: ~ summer camp - full of secrets ~
“Totally,” Finn said, giggling softly. “Are you done making your character?”
“Uh, yeah, I think this is solid,” Arthur nodded, giggling at himself.
Finn nodded and got him to the main game, showing him the controls. “Alright, lemme add my character real quick-“ He said, grabbing his controllers and making his character join the island.
“Awww, your character is so cute,” Arthur said with a smile, giggling softly.
“Thanks~“ Finn said, smiling. “Okay, time for the tour of my cottagecore island~“ He added, showing Aurthur around the island and introducing him to all the villagers. He soon stopped his character in front of his own house, leading him inside it. “And here’s my house-“
“Oo, it’s so swanky in here,” Arthur said with a giggle, following Finn’s character around.
“Thanks- I’m broke now because of it,” Finn said, chuckling softly. “I like doing the interior decorating for the houses- Kinda sucks the game doesn’t let you do more with the outside of the house.”
“Yeah,” Arthur said in agreement, giggling quietly. “Do you think you might wanna do that for like, a job? Interior design?”
“Hm, maybe- I really wanna make art, though,” Finn replied, resting his head on Aurthur’s shoulder. “I love to paint and draw, so I’ve always kinda wanted to do something with it~”
“Aw, that’s cool,” Arthur said with a giggle, wrapping an arm around Finn.
Finn smiled and curled closer to Aurthur, humming softly with content.
Arthur smiled, pressing a kiss onto Finn’s shoulder. “Do you have any pets?”
“In game or in real life? Because both are a no, sadly,” Finn said, sighing softly. “Well- None other than the birds that use the birdhouses I made sometimes-“
“Aw, that’s sad,” Arthur said softly. “Do you want animals?”
“Eh, I don’t really care either way- Anyways, I’m allergic to cats and dogs kinda scare me,” Finn said, giggling softly.
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