~ summer camp - full of secrets ~
Thread Topic: ~ summer camp - full of secrets ~
“Okay,” Arthur said softly, sitting up a little and taking the headphones off.
Finn watched Aurthur with a small smile before walking off, heading to the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later, humming softly. He walked back over to the bed and flopped down beside Aurthur, hugging him closer and burying his face in his chest again.
Arthur smiled brightly, hugging Finn back and laying down with him. “Have the cramps gotten any better?”
“Yeah, they’re definitely better than before,” Finn replied with a small smile, nodding. He tilted his head to the side, humming softly. “I think I’ll definitely be feeling better tomorrow~”
“I’m so glad,” Arthur said with a smile, pressing a kiss onto Finn’s cheek.
Finn blushed and smiled, curling closer to Aurthur. He hummed softly, lifting his head and kissing his lips.
Arthur kissed him back, humming quietly before pulling away. “Sleep well, okay?”
“I’ll try,” Finn said, chuckling softly. “You too, m’kay?” He said with a smile, kissing Aurthur’s nose.
“Okay,” Arthur said softly, smiling a little and hugging Finn close.
Finn smiled, curling closer to Aurthur and tangling their legs together.
Arthur giggled quietly, hugging Finn close.
Finn hummed softly, soon falling asleep in Aurthur’s arms.
(wanna do a connor n evan meet up, or no since it’s still be raining? lol) -
(uhh maybe not idk what they would talk abt since we weren’t with connor for the day
maybe we could go to the next day n evan’s pov?) -
(true yea lol
let’s do that u^u) -
Evan flipped the lights on, leaning against his bedpost again. “Alright! Rise and shine, people-“ Liam whined, curling closer to Jared in an attempt to block the light out.
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