another lil rp
Thread Topic: another lil rp
“I wish you could’ve met her, too,” Briar said with a small smile, noticing the shift in his expression. He pressed a kiss on Lawrence’s lips, smiling at him. “She would have loved you, Lawrence~”
Lawrence gave a weak smile, resting his forehead on Briar’s. ‘Do you think so?’
“Mhm~” Briar hummed in response, hugging Lawrence close. He pressed a short but sweet kiss in his boyfriend’s lips, smiling at him. “She would, I know it~”
Lawrence leaned into his touch, relaxing. ‘A-Are you sure you’re not mad at me? I’d be mad at me if I was in your position..’
“Baby, I could never be mad at you~” Briar said with a small smile, kissing his forehead. “I know you didn’t mean it, and even if by some chance you did, I would still forgive you. My mother taught me to never hold grudges, and to always forgive others, even if it’s a little hard~”
Lawrence sighed softly. He buried his face in Briar’s shirt and closed his eyes tight. ‘Okay,’ he mumbled.
Briar hummed softly as he held Lawrence close, running his hand through his boyfriend’s hair. “I miss her, I do, but I do not hate you for what happened, my love,” he whispered softly, kissing the top of his head.
‘Why? I mean, other than all the “no grudges” stuff. I-I killed your mother, Briar! How can you not be at least a little bit mad at me?’
“I was mad- I was so upset with you, for a long time,” Briar spoke, rubbing Lawrence’s back, “but just because I was mad at you doesn’t mean I hated you- How could I ever hate the love of my life, especially for some little mistake he’s made?”
‘You’re being too soft on me,’ Lawrence mumbled, arms around Briar tightening slightly, as if his boyfriend was going to say Actually you’re right, I might just leave now. ‘I killed people, a lot of people, even if it was for the sake of winning the war. Which I didn’t! Why would you want to love a complete failure?’
“Darling, we all make mistakes-“ Briar spoke, lifting Lawrence’s head. “I’ve f---ed up before, too- Maybe not in the same ways as you, but I have. How could I hate you for the mistakes you make when that would make me a hypocrite?”
‘I lost everything,’ Lawrence mumbled, tears running down his face. ‘What if I do something to f--- up and lose you too?’
“You’re never going to lose me, Lawrence,” Briar spoke with a small smile, wiping away his tears. “I’m never going to leave you and you’re never going to lose me, okay~?”
Lawrence nodded, leaning into his touch. He closed his eyes, trying to calm down his thoughts.
Briar pressed loving kisses on Lawrence’s face, holding him close and humming softly.
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