another lil rp
Thread Topic: another lil rp
(me neither lol-)
(maybe we could do another rp with briar and lawrence?
bc i love these two SM >:)))
i have an idea based off this spotify story and it’s v gay u^u) -
(lol alrighty sure
oooh okay do tell) -
(i’ll give you the rundown in just a sec, may take a little bit haha)
(lol alg)
(so- it’s called the two princes, and it’s abt the two princes who are apart of these two kingdoms that are kinda enemies, and there’s like, some sort of curse on the land, and they both go off on a quest to fix it. they end up running into and having to work together, but then they become closer and kiss kiss fall in love xD
it’s v good, i can put a link to it in a sec if you want it :)) -
(ooo okay slay now we 100% have to do it
sure lol) -
(frfr u^u it’s literally such an amazing story too, since it’s like in the style of a show, with VAs and everything :))
( here’s the link :))
(alrighty, lets do that then :D)
(yeah! you wanna start the thread or should i?)
(you can start it lol)
(kk lol)
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