Heph's thread
- Locked by Hephaestuschild on Dec 10, '20 10:57amReason: Making New Official Thread
Thread Topic: Heph's thread
Justus [Justin] Williams
Doctor Einhard
Doctor Albwin [dog] -
Franziska Lischke
Judge of Unsterblichkeit, vessel of Justice.
Einhard Visscher, doctor of the people, menace of Unsterblichkeit. -
Annemarie Fleming, sister of compassion. Able to hide sins from the Justicer.
Rache and Recht, spirits of Justice.
Sleepy coos
my crew is big and it keeps getting bigger thats cause jesus christ is my nigga
Hey, that's not cool.
Come on, Nerdist. Let's leave.
He's a life-changer, miracle-arranger
Born to the virgin mom in a manger
Water to wine, he's a drink exchange
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