Final Written Evaluation Oral 6 30%

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Greetings students. This is your final written evaluation for the Oral Communication Level 6 course. Read carefully the instructions and when you finish the exam please send me a picture of your final grade. You can take this evaluation only 1 time. There is NO time limit.

In this evaluation, you will be given 50 regular verbs in the simple past. Read each word carefully and choose the correct pronunciation in the past tense.

Created by: Jennifer Castillo
  1. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: folded
  2. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: accepted
  3. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: acted?
  4. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: baked?
  5. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: behaved?
  6. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: closed?
  7. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: compared?
  8. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: competed?
  9. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: die?
  10. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: disagreed?
  11. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: disturbed?
  12. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: dressed?
  13. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: dried?
  14. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: eliminated?
  15. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: ended?
  16. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: enjoyed?
  17. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: fixed?
  18. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: followed?
  19. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: greeted?
  20. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: guessed?
  21. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: hunted?
  22. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: identified?
  23. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: invited?
  24. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: joined?
  25. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: jumped
  26. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: loved?
  27. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: managed?
  28. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: marked?
  29. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: matched?
  30. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: named?
  31. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: needed?
  32. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: opened?
  33. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: ordered?
  34. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: organized?
  35. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: packed?
  36. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: painted
  37. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: passed?
  38. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: performed?
  39. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: persuaded?
  40. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: programmed?
  41. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: protected?
  42. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: reviewed?
  43. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: shopped?
  44. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: slowed?
  45. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: turned?
  46. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: underlined?
  47. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: wanted?
  48. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: employed?
  49. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: confessed?
  50. What is the past tense pronunciation of the following verb: divided?

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