Final Greetings and Phrases Quiz

Okay, now let's see if you have really been paying attention. Yes, we saw you texting, digging around in your purse, brushing your hair, eating all of the candy we bought, and every other little thing you though we didnt see.

So let's cut to the chase. There are 6 different grades you can get: A,B,C,D,E,F. You make less than a 85, no more candy for you pal. Here we go!

Created by: Tiffany and Laura

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you say hello to the patient, how would you say it in Spanish?
  2. If a patient uses the words, Problemas Médicos, what are they saying?
  3. What would you say to ask a patient's name in spanish?
  4. To tell a patient your name, you would say_____.
  5. If a patient says GRACIAS, what are they telling you?
  6. To ask at what time something happened you would say_____?
  7. The spanish word for doctor is_____?
  8. If a patient ask for a nombramiento, what are they wanting?
  9. Which word was not apart of the lesson today?
  10. Last question, Laura and Tiffany are the______teacher ever? Miss this one and you fail the entire test!

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