Fandom test- Think you're a fangirl?

So you think you belong to various fandoms? You think your a Fangirl/Fanboy? Well think again. This quiz tests the fandom knowledge you aquire. Have fun.

An ultimate test of skill, knowlege and books. Don't you just love the smell of the library. I have 50 characters left do I'm going to just chat to you guys. I just wanna say hi.

Created by: Megarooney
  1. How many demigods in the seven?
  2. What is Four's real name?
  3. What is Will afraid of?
  4. Who does Thomas, yes, that shank, run into the maze to help?
  5. What is Hazel Grace?
  6. What is Hazel Grace?
  7. Random question
  8. What comes out of your ass?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. Emotion?

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