Family Guyy WOOOO

TONS OF PEOPLE LUVV Family Guy. But, can you prove your just about the awesomest fan ever? didnt think so. jk Test ur smarts (if any) at this... GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK LGOOD LUCK LGOODS LUCKS GOD LUCL GOOD LCUK

Good luck with this. BTW (by the way for u ya know.. ppl) watch some more whether you fail or ace it. YAyy OMG THIS SUCKS.. LALLALALALALAL 10:22GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK

Created by: Court
  1. What is Stewie's middle name?
  2. Where did Lois grow up near the beach?
  3. What did Lois get caught stealing in her clepto-mid-life crisis phase?
  4. What concert do Peter and Lois go to?
  5. Finish this quote... "*Sigh* I need a _________"
  6. Who does Meg have a crush on?
  7. What is Mr. Pewterschmidt's prized racedogs' name?
  8. "When You Wish Upon A Weinstein" What does that mean??!!
  9. Chitty Chitty ______ Bang
  10. What play do the inhabitants of Quahog attempt to reenact?
  11. Kids, dont do _____.
  12. When Chris strives to become an artist, his name becomes... what!?
  13. When Lois becomes a stewardess where is the plane headed to after it's hijacking?
  14. "He's too sexy for his ____"
  15. What show does Brian go on?

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