Factions Aptitude test Divergent

Want to know your divergent faction. Maybe it is the bold dauntless. The kind amity. the smart erudite. the honest candor. The selfless abnegation. Well whatever you are

take this fantastic quiz because well I don't have a reason but you have to write a specific amount of characters otherwise you can't make the quiz on the thing.

Created by: Anita87
  1. You are about to take your test how do you feel?
  2. Okay so now you are in a room with a block of meat and a knife. What do you choose?
  3. Part A: So now you see an aggressive dog. Only if you picked knife or both answer this question
  4. Part B: Only answer if you picked cheese, neither, or both
  5. Part A: You have calmed the dog down but a small girl comes by the dog who attacks. You...
  6. Part B: you...
  7. What is your dream field
  8. You see a man on a bus who asks you if you know the person on his paper. You do but your gut tells you not to tell him. But the man say's that if you do you can help him.
  9. Click something
  10. Click something

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