English Political Party Similarity test

People have heard of the major players, but there are loads of parties that you may be more similar too then the big beasts. This test provides England only parties (e.g. excludes SNP) of the ten most well elected or known parties.

See who you are most like and who are you most not like by questions asked from across different fields including economics, culture, constitutional, defence and health

Created by: Felix Hawes
  1. On the statement, 'I believe that the United Kingdom should dissolve into four separate countries'
  2. "The House of Lords should either be reformed to become democratic or be abolished entirely"
  3. 'The electoral system of First Past the Post should be replaced by a more proportional system'
  4. 'The United Kingdom should remain as close as possible to the European Union'
  5. 'The Foreign Aid budget should be cut'
  6. 'The United Kingdom should adopt a stricter form of immigration control'
  7. 'To lockdown and suspend civil liberties in the name of a pandemic is the right thing to do'
  8. 'There should be more privitisation of certain features of the NHS
  9. 'Foreign Nationals should pay for their healthcare'
  10. 'Cannabis should be legalised'
  11. 'Stop and Search Powers for the Police should be bought back'
  12. 'The Police should be defunded'
  13. 'University Tuition Fees should be abolished'
  14. 'Grammar Schools should be bought back nationally'
  15. 'Private independent schools should be abolished'
  16. 'Britain should abolish its nuclear weapons'
  17. 'Foreign Military Intervention is sometimes necessary, depending on the context'
  18. 'Britain should expand its Navy and invest more into it'
  19. 'The United Kingdom should reduce is carbon emissions to net zero by at least 2040'
  20. 'High Speed Rail Two (HS2) should be scrapped'
  21. 'Fox Hunting should be reallowed'
  22. 'Zero Hour Contracts should be abolished in all circumstances'
  23. 'The Minimum Wage should be at least £10 an hour'
  24. 'The Railways should be nationalised'
  25. Inheritance Tax should be abolished
  26. 'Cooperation Tax should be raised'
  27. 'Taxes should be raised on the top 1% of society
  28. 'Every state building should have a Union Flag flying whenever it is in use'
  29. 'The BBC should be defunded'
  30. 'I agree with the statement, 'trans women are women''
  31. 'The Monarchy should be abolished'
  32. 'Land should be nationalised'
  33. 'Education should be privatized'
  34. 'Abortion in almost all cases should be illegal'
  35. 'All immigration should be banned from the country'

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