Embarrassing dares to do alone/or with friends;)

So here is my first quiz, it’s a truth or dare game but you are force to do the dares(it’s truth or dare without truth) You have 2 wimp out, use them carefully!

So if you could comment what you think i could do for my next quiz i will appreciate it! Hope u enjoy suffer/or idk.+ you are not allowed to use the bathroom till you’ve finished every dare without cheating Don’t cheet or pee your pants because there will be consequences

Created by: Natarko
  1. Hi so first make sure u read up the description paragraph.
  2. Are you ready for some embarrassing dares?
  3. So #1, I dare you to drink 2 bottles of water.
  4. Dare #2, duck tape as much as you can your underwear, so you cannot take them off
  5. Dare #3, put a “kick me” sign on your back until the end of the quiz.
  6. Now, if your a boy put bra and if you are a girl remove your bra, put the “kick me” sign on your own body and remove your shirt.
  7. Now time for the dare #5, take a permanent sharpie and name every seven drawf from snow white, the one(s) u forgot or got wrong need to be written on your own body. Don’t try to cheat ;)
  8. #6: blindfold yourself, open the frige. You need to make a sandwich out of the first think you touched,
  9. Do you need to pee? Well if you do, pee your pants and DO NOT clean the mess for at least one hour. +you cannot change your clothes for 3h.
  10. So this is the dare for people who didn’t peed there pants: drink 3 bottles of water, wait 20 minutes and come back, one your back get on your bed and relax your body for 10 minutes, after that if you didn’t peed drink another 3 bottles of water
  11. #9, put peanut butter, nutella or anything else else on the floor and eat it one the floor
  12. Next dare: pit your foot (with a sock on it) inside the toilet, for 3 minutes, don’t flush the toilet before, to bad if someone left a poop/pee in it.
  13. Get outside where people can see you for 5 minutes, you can cover if needed.
  14. #12, get in your personal trans for 10 minutes
  15. So basically, it’s the end, except if you peed your pants/ cheat or just want bonus callenge.
  16. So choose a punishment if you cheated: 1)redo the quiz all over again (with no wimp out) 2) redo the thing u cheated on x5. 3) Tonight you should sleep with no clothes and no blankets 4)pee your pants and go do the challenges if u peed ur pants or 5) take away all electronics for 3 days
  17. Now the consequences if u peed your pants: choose 1 (or more ;) 1) were diapers for 2 weeks, you can only pee in those, no bathroom allowed 2) stay in tour wet clothes for 3 days, if they starts to dry peed your pants to keep them wet 3) for 7 days the only bathroom you will be allowed to use is a the public bathroom of the opposite gender, make it obvious! 4) for the next 8 days you need to ask a friend to go to the toilet, if they say no to bad, u cannot go without there permission. 5) you can only pee into bottles,for 9 days, the bottles needs to be full all the 9 days, to bad if you run out of bottles but you will have to drink ur pee/ pee your pants for the rest of the days..
  18. So if you want bonus challenges, here they are
  19. Bonus challenges #1: draw a fake moustache on your face with sharpie
  20. Bonus challenges #2: brush your teeth with peanut butter for the next 24h
  21. Well it’s the end i hope you liked this quiz, pls comment what you thought,your experience or somes dares i could put in my next quizzes!

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