Doty Girl Quiz # 1

How much do you know about the Doty girls? We are sure alot of our friends will know the majority of the answers so we threw in a few curves for fun. Take your time and see how much you really know.

This is a just one quiz in an upcoming series to enlightening you during your time in this world. So please enjoy yourself. This will only take a moment and you may learn something you didn't know.

Created by: Doty
  1. What month is the Cheeseburger Party?
  2. What is our favorite movie of the day?
  3. What are our kids names?
  4. What does "Puelo fumar" mean?
  5. How old are we combined?
  6. What road did we grow up on?
  7. Does our dad have all his hair?
  8. Does our mom have a mustache?
  9. What is Josie's middle name?
  10. Do we live in?

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