Dork Diaries Quiz

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This is a quiz for all those Dork diaries lovers. These questions are all in the books except for 9 and 10. If you love/d this quiz, make your own! Have fun!!😁

The questions are all in books. The answers may be in different books. The most specific question is #6. Try your best and take more quizzes. It's aways fun to explore.

Created by: Roslyn Owensby
  1. Who is Nikki Maxwell?
  2. Does Nikki overreact about things?
  3. What is Nikki's full name?
  4. What does Nikki's dad do for a living?
  5. Who are Chloe and Zoey?
  6. Why did Brianna wash her class pet fish, Rover?
  7. Who is Nikki's crush?
  8. Who stole Nikki's diary?
  9. Do you want me to do more quizzes
  10. Did you have fun?

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