Dogstar's Fray (prologue)

When a prophecy rises, Finchstar and a handful of the members of Starclan must choose a lucky few to go on the journey to end what is coming. Former medicine cat, Halfheart, informs Poppytail of a vision he's had and advises she tell Finchstar. After the prophecy is corrected, the whole of Starclan sees what must me done- The Syndicate must take things into their own paws!

''Finchstar nodded her head in approval, dipping her own socked paw into the reflective water. A muscular, black-and-brown tom appeared of the mysterious lake, eyes averted from attention. Dissatisfied hisses escaped from the last three's mouths. A thin, orange-point tom remarked the decision. "Not Dogstar! You know how he is." The two clicked in approval.''

Created by: jhulio

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  1. The group of six sat in a semi-circle around the mirror-like pool. Their pelts reflected from it, ripples distorting the image. The small feline sitting in the center of the group looked up at the other cats. "Have you all made your decisions?"
  2. "Yes, Finchstar," They mewed, the white tabby, Finchstar, gazing around them. Her eyes settled on the last tortoiseshell to her left. "Smokefoot, show us your decision." The tom-cat nodded and dipped his paw into the mirror-ish pool. A large she-cat, lilac-pointed was shown in the pool as if looking into a crystal ball.
  3. Murmur rose from the remaining five. Many were content with Smokefoot's choice. However, a voice rose above the rest. "But why her? She's stubborn as a horse and never takes her time." The black figure glared at Smokefoot. "Now, Rabbitnose, you surely know of her bravery? Her passion, her will to get the job done?" Finchstar scolded, silencing Rabbitnose.
  4. Finchstar's irritable gaze wandered to the gloved calico sat next to Smokefoot. The she immediately took the signal and delicately dipped her white paw into the water. A big, tuxedo tom made its entry to the pool. A satisfied mumble escaped the mouths of those who had not chosen.
  5. Finchstar nodded her head in approval, dipping her own socked paw into the reflective water. A muscular black-and-brown tom appeared onto the mysterious lake, eyes averted from attention. Dissatisfied hisses escaped the last three's mouths. A thin, orange-point tom remarked the decision. "Not Dogstar! You know how he is." The two clicked in approval.
  6. "This will be a lesson for him, Foxpaw. You will see what I mean as the investigation continues." Finchstar returned. Foxpaw sighed in teenage angst, leaning over the pool to insert his orange paw. The meeting was interrupted to a red-tailed cat racing towards them. "Foxpaw! Wait, don't make your decisions yet!" The she-cat called, skidding to a halt at the edge of the lake, fur on end.
  7. "Poppytail? What's happened?" Finchstar spoke to the she. Tension had risen in all of the six, eyes glazed wuth confusion. Poppytail panted. "Finchstar.. Halfheart has had a vision! The prophecy has changed!" Suspicion rose and mutters of intrigue escaped mouths, Finchstar urging the young Poppytail to tell the tale.
  8. Many by-standers ears had perked, a small crowd growing around the reflecting pool. Words spilled from the molly's mouth; words only the cats of Starclan could understand. "The third will return, the dog's fight will begin. Branch will fall, Black will rise.. and day and night will come together to clean the stream of blood."
  9. Fear and alarm was cast over the crowd, Finchstar standing and trotting over to Poppytail. "Young one, must we change our choices?" Worry slid into her voice, Poppytail touching noses with her former mentor. "Finchstar.. you know we cannot control everything. Those chosen shall be chosen, and those not are in the hands of the Syndicate."
  10. "And Halfheart? Where might he be? I need to know more." Finchstar's worry faded into firmness, Poppytail cowering before her and the words coming out quick and fearful. "I believ he's in his crevice, now, Finchstar.." The larger female flicked her tail in approval. "Alright, Poppytail." She blinked, lowering her head to her former apprentice's level. "Lead me to him."

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