Does your crush like you? Girls only!

Does your crush LOVE you the way you want him to? Take this quiz to find out!!! Don't be afraid!!! Take the quiz!!! I know you are just dying to find out!!!

Does your crush like you? Are you hot and sexy? Take this quiz to find out if your crush likes you!!! Are you dying to know if your crush likes you???

Created by: Ella Waters
  1. Does your crush ever twerk around you?
  2. Does your crush talk to you?
  3. Dose your crush act weird around you?
  4. Does your crush ever dance around you?
  5. Does your crush ever look at you?
  6. Does your crush ever act dumb around you?
  7. Does your crush ever use the word "Sexy" around you?
  8. Dose your crush ever try to sit near you?
  9. Does your crush ever tell you jokes?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you? Girls only!