Does your crush like you?

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Do you really like someone but can't tell if they like you back? This quiz is the real deal! It will tell you if your dream of a fairy tale couple is true or make-believe!

This quiz is perfect for you if you are questioning whether your crush likes you or not! It is the real deal! In just a few minutes you can find out if it's true love at first sight or just a fantasy!

Created by: #mnkylvr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you known them?
  2. When you tell a joke, do they...
  3. During class, you catch them staring at you...
  4. Do they smile at you a lot?
  5. Do they, blush a lot when you are around?
  6. Do you share common interests?
  7. Are you cute? Don't lie!
  8. Are they all ready in a relationship?
  9. What do you like about this person? If you are a boy, Click Does not concern me.
  10. What do you like about this person? If you are a girl, please select does not concern me.

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?