Does she like you? (For middle school boys)

Every middle school boy with a crush has wondered at some point: does she like me? Well, the answer may lay here! Take the short quiz to find out! Good luck!

Remember, this is not entirely accurate, but I am a middle school girl with a crush, so I put down some stuff that I do. Oh, and please don’t click the pineapple answers. They’re nonsense!

Created by: Hailey
  1. Do you ever notice that her head is facing towards you, but her eyes are somewhere else?
  2. Does she think you’re a total weirdo?
  3. Does she ever walk up to you, then walk away?
  4. Does she ever join in on a conversation that you’re having with one of your friends?
  5. Have you ever seen her in the morning, then later in the day her hair looked completely different?
  6. Does she bicker with you? (Like SHE starts it not you)
  7. Let fate decide…
  8. Does she have the ability to like you (is she attracted to boys)?
  9. Is she popular?
  10. Do you love her?

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