Does She Have a Crush On Me (guys Only)?

This quiz is just a thing for guys to see if a girl is crushing on them so that they can tell the girl how they feel about them so that they can go out or just be plain old freinds or be both doesn't matter it just helps with boys dating problems.

If you are a dude and need help finding out if that girl likes you this is the perfect quiz for you!!!

Created by: abbeyzero152
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she evr get red around you?
  2. Does she evr look you in the eyes?
  3. Does she ever look nervous around you?
  4. Does she evr talk to you?
  5. Does she evr sit close to you at lunch?
  6. Do you like her?
  7. Does she evr talk to you or do you talk to her?
  8. Do you think she likes you?
  9. Do you have anything in common with her?
  10. Do you want to find out your answer?

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