Does he want you or her?

Do you know if he wants you or her? take this quiz to see which one it is... i tried something like this b4 and i got it as he wants me and i found out yesterday that he does:)

Are you an Amazing person that he wants to be with? or are you a loser and he really wants her? well, take this quiz and find out! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Hannah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he ever put his arm around,hug,try to hold hands, ask you to hang out with him to you?
  2. Does he ever want his friends to leave him alone when you come toward him?
  3. When you ask him to hang out .. does he actually show up?
  4. Does he ask you if he can hug you?
  5. Does he smile at you often or try to make you laugh?
  6. This doesn't matter!!! so answer anyways please
  7. Which name?
  8. bahahababahahbahab
  9. Which one? thsi one does count
  10. lol

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