Does he like you?

This quiz is about trying to find out if 'that guy' likes you or not! This quiz is for fun, so if you get 100% and he doesn't like you at all, either you put the questions how you wish they would actually be, or that guy is just hard to understand!

This quiz is about trying to find out if 'that guy' likes you or not! This quiz is for fun so if you get 100% and he doesn't like you at all, either you put the questions how you wish they would actually be, or that guy is just hard to understand!

Created by: Katie
  1. Do you catch him staring at you, and if you do does he smile at you then turn around quickly?
  2. Does he ever talk to you?
  3. When you guys are talking does he look into your eyes, something else, or boobs?
  4. Does he try to hurt you or touch you?
  5. Does his friends tease him like saying, "___ and ____ sitting in a tree!" or "___ loves ___!" or anything similar?
  6. Has he ever admitted that he loves you?
  7. Does he try to impress you?
  8. Do YOU like him?
  9. Does he talk about his body with you? example: "Did you know I have a six pack and work out everyday?"
  10. When you guys talk, who does the laughing?

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