does he like you??

there are people who care and others that dont give a s---,which is he?and most importantlly does he love you? you may not know,thats why you are taking this quiz to find out right?

are you in love with him,even tho he may not love you back,is he the right guy for someone caring liike you?maybe,maybe not tho!thats y you have to find out right?

Created by: corie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you are hanging out at your/his place wat does he do,or want to do?
  2. if you where going to walk home,wat would he say?
  3. if you where to cry he would..
  4. its your birthday,he gets you
  5. do you care for him tho
  6. his responce to seeing you
  7. he cares if you get hurt (emotionally)
  8. he cares if you get hurt physically
  9. he knows your eye color and you know his
  10. he makes it npoticable that he likes you
  11. he comes to all your partys

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