Does he like you?

Have you been liking him forever and just keep wondering, "Does he like me back???" You can find out easliy with my quiz. And whatever you get, know that it is for the best.

I created this using the help of my own boyfriend. He helped me design the questions so we have an actual guy's point of view. Everyone have fun with the quiz. pls rate and comment. :)

Created by: Kara
  1. Have you ever caught him staring at you?
  2. If you fell in the hall and dropped everything, what would he do. Be serious, NOT what you would want thim to do.
  3. Does he talk to you?
  4. If he does talk to you, what do you talk about?
  5. Have you ever hung out alone?
  6. Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Has he ever met you at your locker to talk or hang?
  8. If one of his family/pet died would he talk to you openly about it.
  9. How does he look at you?
  10. How often does he talk about/ look at other girls?
  11. did you like this quiz(won't effect score)

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