does he like me (middle schoolers)

take this quiz and find out if he is the one, have fun and hope he likes you and comment my quiz and recommend what the next quiz i could do thanks.take this quiz and find out if he is the one, have fun and hope he likes you and comment my quiz and recommend what the next quiz i could do thanks

taken this quiz and find out if he is the one, haven fun and hope he likes you and comment my quiz and recommend what the next quiz i could do thanks.take this quiz and find out if he is the one, have fun and hope he likes you and comment my quiz and recommend what the next quiz i could do thanks.

Created by: anabell

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you guys hang out?
  2. What do you guys talk about?
  3. does he ever stare at you?
  4. does he call you?
  5. does he touch you?
  6. is he nice to you?
  7. does he tell you he likes you?
  8. does he take your side for everything?
  9. does he pay for you to eat?
  10. is he interested in you interests?

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