Does Charlene Know Charlene?

Charlene tested us... now I test her. More than likely she will fail because know one knows her better than me. I mean, really, who does she think she is?

Come on Charlene... let's see how well you know yourself. Do you ahve the brainpower, knowledge bank, the testicles to answer the question of all questions? Do you? huh? Do you?

Created by: Sunil
  1. What is Charlene's favorite color?
  2. What kind of car does Charlene drive?
  3. Who is Charlene's favorite Actor?
  4. What is Charlene's zodiac sign?
  5. Who is Charlene's personal hero?
  6. What is Charlene's favorite animal?
  7. What is Charlene's favorite pick up line?
  8. How many piercings does Charlene have?
  9. What is Charlene's favorite football team?
  10. Who is Charlene's favorite band?

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