Do you TRULY know me?

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Do you really, sincerley, truly, positivley , know about me? Well if you would like to know. take this quiz, if you like it go check out my profile, THANKS!!! -Jinx.xox

I made this because i'm just running out of quiz ideas. If you have any suggestions just comment on this! I hope you have a fantastic day (or afternoon) (or night) And remember, you are perfect just the way you are. Don't forget to smile! -Jinx.xox

Created by: JinxesShadow
  1. Do i have depression? If so, what type?
  2. If you clicked "Yes" for the question above, do i take pills for the depression?
  3. What is my religion?
  4. Deep inside, am i a good, kind-hearted person or rude and evil?
  5. Am i truly confused about things right now?
  6. Am i smart?
  7. If i was best friends with a Serial Killer, would i tell the police on them?
  8. Have i suffered of loss of a pet or family/friend?
  9. Who makes me happy when i am sad?
  10. Have i ever battled with my feelings or emotions?

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Quiz topic: Do I TRULY know me?