Do you really love your boyfriend?

Hey girl! Wondering out there if you truly love your boyfriend or not? Here is a short quiz to let you know if your heart really belongs to your boyfriend or not!

This quiz is 99% accurate and is based on real life observations. Just answer these 8 questions and you will get the answer you were searching for! So, girls let's start!!

Created by: Aavika Mishra
  1. How much time has your relationship completed?
  2. How often do you both meet?
  3. Do you talk to him everyday(On phone)?
  4. What if your boyfriend cheats on you? How will you react?
  5. How often do you fight with him?
  6. Have you both had sex?
  7. Are you attracted to other guys?
  8. Do you trust him enough to allow him to hang out with his other female friends?
  9. Do you know about all his likes and dislikes?
  10. Do you think you love your boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: Do I really love my boyfriend?
