Do YoU rEaLlY kNoW mE???

This is a quiz to see how much of a friend you are and how much you know me. Some of the answers are common sense if you know me if not then your not a true friend.

So are you a true friend?? or are you just some person who wants to be my friend. or or you a complete stranger?? Well With the help of this quiz we will soon find out won't we. YUP YUP YUP!!!

Created by: Anabel
  1. Wutz my fav color(s)??
  2. Wutz my fav movie??
  3. Wutz my fav #??
  4. Wut am i most scared of??
  5. Who's my best friend??
  6. Who do I love more??
  7. Wutz my fav football team??
  8. Wutz my fav superhero??
  9. Wutz my fav song??
  10. Wut are the initials of the love of my life??

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Quiz topic: Do I rEaLlY kNoW mE???