Do You Really Know Diggy Simmons

This is about Diggy Simmons and his life and also his carrer i dont want to give you too much information becase it might just give you the answers to my quiz.

How bad do you THINK you KNOW diggy simmons? Well this is an exclusive quis and i know all about him because he is my love lol just kidding but lets see if you kno diggy as well as i do ?

Created by: weezy1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where was diggy simmons born ?
  2. What's his Fathers real name >?
  3. What's Diggy's birthday
  4. What's his real name ./
  5. As a kid his father had a tv show what was it called ?
  6. When did he Release his first mixtape and what was it called ?
  7. What Reacords did he sign to ?
  8. In 2010 Diggy uploaded a freestyle . What was the song and who was the rapper ?
  9. Who was the person who responded on twitter that said " i knew this kid was (going) to be fresh , i knew IT !
  10. what song was featured in a AT&T comercial ?
  11. Who feature in his hit song Click Clock Away ?
  12. when was diggy debut studio album predused ?
  13. What album is "copy, paste" and "do it like you" on?
  14. What place did "Mrs.Right" make it on the Top 1000 Charts?
  15. What was his Urban SNeakers called?
  16. What's his occupations?
  17. what's his website ?
  18. Who does he associate with the most ?
  19. Whats his twitter name ?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Diggy Simmons