do you really HAVE to pee?

Hello, I hope you enjoy this quiz. I t is to test how badly you need to pee, or even if you need to pee at all. The last couple of questions do not effect your results, by the way.

Warning, there is a very high risk this quiz might make you pee your pants! Also, I should warn you that this may just be the best pee quiz you have ever taken!

Created by: Mai

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. on a scale of 1-100, how bad is your need to pee at the moment?
  2. O.K., lets get down to bissuness [activitys!] right, stand up with one foot on your chair, and your arms out-streached
  3. second activity, place a cup in your pants, try to pee, but stop your self before you do, how much pee did the cup catch?
  4. now, imaginge that you are walking up a very busy street, when you feel a sudden urge to pee, you ignore it, but in a couple of minuetes, it's much stronger and you know you need to find a bathroom, NOW, the closest public bathrooms are being redecorated, and the nearest working one now is about a mile away. after a quarter of an hour desperatly searching, a spurt forces its way out of your protesting bladder, then, suddenly, you relize you are about to lose control, theres not even a hope of geting to the nearest shop in time, and the lovely, warm urine rushes out of your bladder and floods your pants and trosers, it feels so nice and reliving, that you don't mind if people stare, it's the best feeling ever. how does this story make you feel?
  5. relax everything, and imagine streams, waterfalls, people peeing.
  6. have you spurted or peed yet?
  7. Are you peeing right now?
  8. if you are at home, go and sit on the toilet with your trousers down, put don't let any pee out. what happens?
  9. did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. right, now for the results

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Quiz topic: Do I really HAVE to pee?