Do you need glasses?

Think you have 20/20 vision! Well, be my guest and take this quiz! You might have poor vision or not! Take this quiz to find out if you think you have good vision!

Note: if you don't get a score of 85% or higher, then you should tell your parents or go the eye doctor(depending on how old you are. If you get glasses, please, don't be afraid to wear them!

Created by: Maria
  1. Have you ever squinted at something?
  2. Have you ever done an eye exam?
  3. Do you think you need glasses?
  4. If you've done an eye exam, could you read all the lines?
  5. Has anything ever looked blurry to you?
  6. On a scale of 1-6, how good is your vision?
  7. Has a dark room ever looked blurry to you?
  8. If you did an eye exam, would you fail it?
  9. Do you spend a lot of screen time?
  10. Print out an eye exam. Put it ten feet away from you. Could you read the last line

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Quiz topic: Do I need glasses?
