Do you love Frodo Baggins?

How much do you love Frodo Baggins? A lot? Are you a Frodo fangirl? A secret admirer? Do you even like him at fact do you hate his guts!? Have fun taking this quiz.

Curiously enough, there aren't many die hard fans of Frodo. Many more people obsess over Leolas or are you going to prove how much you love, or hate Frodo Baggins?

Created by: Frodo
  1. Is Frodo your favourite character?
  2. Name one thing you admire about Frodo
  3. Do you think his eyes are beautiful?
  4. Have you ever fantasizes about stroking his silly curls?
  5. Have you cried while watching LoTR?
  6. Does it upset you that you aren't the same height as frodo?
  7. Have you ever had the urge to stroke the screen when he appears?
  8. Have you ever cosplayed as Frodo or wanted to?
  9. Have you ever had a dream of Frodo?
  10. Have you ever tried to or have drawn him?

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Quiz topic: Do I love Frodo Baggins?