Do you like potatoes?

POTATOES DO YOU LOVE POTATOES!?!?! POTATOES ROCK! POTATOES ARE GOOD FOR YOU! POTATOES!!!!!! P to the O to the T to the A to the T to the O to the E to the S!

Do you like potatoes? Because if you like potatoes this quiz is for you. Potatoes! Are! The! Best! POTATOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Potatoes
  1. Do you like potatoes?
  2. Do you enjoy eating potatoes?
  3. Do you like fries?
  4. Do you like mashed potatoes?
  5. Do you like baked potatoes?
  6. Do you like tater tots?
  7. Do you like baked potatoes?
  8. Do you eat potatoes for every meal?
  9. Do you want to marry potatoes?
  10. Do you like tomatoes?

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Quiz topic: Do I like potatoes?