Do you like cats

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Yes so this is my quiz!!! Sorry i dk how to make these good quizzes 😭 Ty for playing my quiz! It means so much for me and my motivation!!! (Extra stuff)

If you can shop at my soap shop for people with skin condition! It will mean so much and i need some word to puplish this quiz so uhmhuhm uhm uhh um uhh umh

Created by: kota of Kaypedals!
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you have cats?
  2. Do you like fluffy. Or hairless cats?
  3. Are you allergic to cats?
  4. How did you know about cats?
  5. What is the biggest cat breed?
  6. Do you know what they mostly do?
  7. im running out of ideas so here
  8. How many books did you read about cats?
  9. Which cat breed would you like?
  10. WELP its been real.. i need to make alot of words…

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Quiz topic: Do I like cats
