Do you know your Halina

Do you know your Halina? Test your knowledge with this quiz,and show off your results to me ;) good luck people I really am happy you took this, now I'm just filing in words so it'll lemme take it!

So test your skills and see if "You know Your halina!!!" thanks guys,lemme know how you all did!!!Thanks so much again,it means a whole lot to me,everyone,you're amazing,totes loves you!

Created by: Halina
  1. What is my Hosres's name?
  2. What do i look for most in a guy?
  3. What is my favorite book (hint: it has pictures)
  4. What happened to my horse's mom?
  5. What is my middle name?
  6. What is my *favorite* number?
  7. what is my *lucky* number?
  8. Where did my dad grow up? (I've always wanted to visit here)
  9. What is My horse's show name?
  10. What is my favorite author?
  11. What do I look forward to every summer?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my Halina