Do you know T n T?

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This is a quiz just to see if you know 'T n T'. We just recently made an account and thought we'd make a quiz and check out the forums. You don't have-

-to take this quiz if you don't want to. But I'd most appreciate it if you did. I don't really know if anyone reads these things but our names are Tyler and Tina-

Created by: T n T
  1. What does 'T n T' stand for?
  2. What does the first 'T' in 'T n T' stand for?
  3. What does the 'n' stand for in 'T n T'?
  4. What does the second 'T' in 'T n T' stand for?
  5. Do we both get along?
  6. Is Tyler or Tina the nice one?
  7. Is this account a second account?
  8. Are we knew to the forums?
  9. Does our username sound like the dynamite?
  10. Bye bye~ ^-^

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Quiz topic: Do I know T n T?