Do you KNOW me?

"Acqua cheta rovina i ponti." silent waterw run deep... think about it... can you tell the depth of a body of water by just looking at the surface? can you know about a person without speaking to them, without listening? do you know me?

DO YOU KNOW ME?! these questions should be soooo easy if you do... This is very basic information about me- if you have spoken to me, you know it! Chi cerca trova. seek and you shall find- if you fail dont feel too badly as long as you take it as a hint that you need to get to know me!

Created by: Liz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ok, easy one- What is my First Name?
  2. What is my Mddle Name?
  3. What is my hair color?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. How many pets live in my house with my family?
  6. What state do i officially reside in?
  7. What did i call my first cell phone?
  8. Do i like computers?
  9. What kind of music do i like to listen to?
  10. What do my closest family members call me? (whats my nickname at home?)
  11. What happened to my first car?
  12. How long is my average bath?
  13. What state do i attend college at?
  14. What is my favorite flower?
  15. What is my favorite place to visit where i live?

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW me?