Do You Know Me?

Does anyone really know anyone these days? How do you know if you really know a person? Well, some people really know me, and some people don't. Some people just kind of know me, but that's because it takes a while for me to open up.

That's why I've made a little quiz. Just some questions off the top of my head. I hope I made this quiz right. I'm not that difficult to understand and get to know, so take this quiz and find out how much you know me.

Created by: Brandy Windsor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  3. What is my zodiac sign?
  4. Which of the following actors would I marry?
  5. Which of the following is my favorite movie?
  6. Which of the following dates would I rather go on?
  7. Which physical feature do I most like about myself?
  8. On the topic of friends, which would I rather have?
  9. Do I believe in soul mates?
  10. Do I believe in soul mates?
  11. Do I believe in love at first sight?
  12. If I was stranded on an island and I could have something with me, what would it be?
  13. which of the following would I most want to learn?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me?