ok well here is a quiz about me. i tried to think about all the people that might take it and tried to put at least one question i though you would get right... like the first question, thats a gimmi...

hope you have fun taking this, maybe you'll learn a little about me and what i'm all about! have fun and enjoy the ride (keep all hands and feet in the cart at all times)

Created by: Kristen of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. who is my nascar driver?
  2. what are my favorite shoes to wear?
  3. During the hight of my horse career i was...
  4. what video game would i rather play?
  5. what is my favorive alcoholic drink?
  6. If I could live anywhere in the US where would i live?
  7. How did i get the scars on my arm?
  8. how do i wash my clothes?
  9. whats my favorite band at the moment?
  10. What do i hate the most...
  11. which friend have i know the longest
  12. what is my favorite bar to go to in nashville?
  13. What quote is this from? "i will have sex with you right now if you promise you will not die" ... "i promise i will not die"
  14. If i could name the street i lived on whaat would it be?

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW ME??