Do you know Gerard Way?

This quiz is all about the sexiest man alive, Gerard Way! Everyone (should) knows him, loves him, and Adores him. Do you? You could actually get 100% percent on this quiz! Now are you willing to?

Are YOU A real Gerard Way fan? Can you get 100% on this quiz? Do you think you have what it takes? Could you actually be another great big Gerard Way lover? I really hope you are....Good Luck!

Created by: Amber
  1. When is his Birthday?
  2. What is his favorite color/s
  3. What color is his eyes?
  4. How old is he?
  5. What are his Parents names?
  6. When did Gerard Way say "Easy peezy pumpkin peezy pumpkin pie mother f---er"?
  7. What song is about his Grandmother?
  8. What is his Middle name?
  9. He only had white hair for the black parade.
  10. Gerard Way used to have?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Gerard Way?