Do you know everything about Naruto

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Hello there!, skip these paragraphs if you don't care so in this quiz the quiz will tell you do you siriously know everything about Naruto series!!!!!

So, after ypu finish the quiz it will tell you did you get 100%, 75%, 60%, 40%, 25%, or 0%. 100% is best 0% is wost... So!, gopd luck on the quiz!!!!!

Created by: Poki
  1. What is ten tails name
  2. What was obitos last sentence he said
  3. Who was in orochimarus team
  4. Why did deidara join to akatsuki?
  5. Who did gaara try to kill in chunin exams
  6. Where did sasuke get curse mark
  7. Who killed nagato
  8. Who eats always last potato chip
  9. When did naruto use kuramas chakra first time
  10. Why did naruto kill third kazekage

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Quiz topic: Do I know everything about Naruto
