Do you know about seven super girls?

There is a lot of people that think they know a lot about seven super girls, but do you? Take this quiz and find out!But please do not look up facts and/or answers to the question untill after the quiz!

Do you know a lot about seven super girls!? Seven super girls is my favorite youtube channel! What is yours? Seven super girls rock!!!!! Also, do you like my cat face? :-3

Created by: Alyssa the kitty cat
  1. How old do you have to be to leave ssg?
  2. How many girls are on ssg?
  3. Who is on the Monday spot?
  4. Who is on the Tuesday spot?
  5. Wedsday?
  6. Thursday?
  7. Friday?
  8. Saterday?
  9. Sunday?
  10. Who has been on the ssg channel the longest?
  11. What is Jenna's pet, and name?
  12. Estimated, how many subscribers does ssg have?
  13. Does Seven Super Girls rock!!
  14. Who is the best ssg person?
  15. Last question, what is Katlyn's favorite game to play?!?!

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Quiz topic: Do I know about seven super girls?