Do You Kick Butttowski?

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Some people in this world kick buttowski like I kick butts. Others don't kick or *sigh* don't even try. Imagine this world without people kicking butts

Do you kick buttowski? Take this quiz to find out! You will be graded based on percentage, if you kick it or not. It's a pretty funny quiz about: BUTTS!

Created by: CameraEms
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What's your favourite pet?
  3. What do you says after someone just randomly said the word "butt"?
  4. I like big butts...
  5. How do you feel about Clarence?
  6. In the TV show 'Kick Buttowski', what is the name of Kick's rival?
  7. When a bully sees you, they:
  8. If you were part of a movie, what would you be?
  9. How honest were you on his quiz? (Please answer this question honestly at least, this does not impact your final result)
  10. This quiz is over.

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Quiz topic: Do I Kick Butttowski?