Do you have penisitis

This penisitis is totally fake so DO not go to a doctor if you have like a big percent.(I am seriously not joking here . The doctor will think you are like mad)

Do you have the fake penisitis ?? Find out in this utterly disgusting quiz. In a few minutes you may find out whether you have this digusting fake disease.

Created by: 987654321
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you really a boy????
  2. Does your penis like grow or shrink at certain times ?? ( no offence penisitis is fake)
  3. When your in a roller coaster,does you penis like feels weird???(no offence this penisitis thing is TOTALLY FAKE)
  4. Does you penis hurt at random times???
  5. Do you pee for a Long time.(40-60 seconds)
  6. Do you pee a lot ??? (Without like drinking a lot of water)
  7. Do you even want to have penisitis ???(reminder, penisitis is fake)
  8. Do you like watching animals pee???
  9. Do you pee on the toilet bowl ?? ( penisitis is fake btw)
  10. It is the end of the quiz bye

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Quiz topic: Do I have penisitis