Do You Have Anxiety or is Depressed?

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Just to say before you start this quiz, this is just for fun. Please do not take none of this serious. I am a person who deals with this so these questions came from my own personal experience.

Also, to the people who might be dealing with this in real life, I advise you to go to a doctor and have a talk with them about this. This is really serious and can be life-threating.

Created by: Moesha
  1. Do you often get very scared out of nowhere when you are doing something you do very often?
  2. Do your heart randomly start beating fast out of nowhere?
  3. Do you often feel like you are seeing things out the corner of your eye?
  4. Do you think about too much stuff?
  5. Do you smile a lot when you are with others but cry a lot when you are by yourself?
  6. Are you very insecure?
  7. Are you a person who tries to tell people about what you are going through but they cut you out and tell you, you are paranoid?
  8. Do you get very traumatized real quick after watching a video of certain things?
  9. Do you become worried out of nowhere?
  10. Do you put on happy face even though you are not?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have Anxiety or is Depressed?
