Are you an Empath in real life?

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Hi! EmmaTheEmpath here! you know.... back when I thought Empaths are just KotLC things I was being dumb. I found out not to long ago that Empaths are real things.

They act just like an KotLC Empath would around humans.I found out I was an empath in real life too. I absolutely despise it though. I hate having the anxiety that comes with it and all the other side affects. So, find out if you are an Empath here! (I apollo-gize for the kind of personal questions!) (I am also sorry for the bad pun.)

Created by: EmmaTheEmpath
  1. are you social?
  2. Are you compassionate towards others? Please be honest! no one will see your answers and it will help improve your score.
  3. Do you have any kind of anxiety or get really anxious?
  4. Who do you prefer? Animals or Humans?
  5. do you like large groups of people?
  6. have you been tagged as shy or emotional?
  7. do you get emotional watching sad stories? (same thing with reading.)
  8. do you strongly feel an emotion when around emotionally conflicting people?
  9. does yelling or conflict make you upset?
  10. do odors or strong smells affect you more than others?
  11. Do you feel like you don't fit in? (Me: I know I dont. and thats perfectly fine.)

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Quiz topic: Am I an Empath in real life?

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